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Living and Telling The Story

in Bruton and Cary Deanery

Planning for Mission

Very truly I tell you that if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.

Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.

John 16: 23-24

Our vision is to support and encourage our churches in this deanery in their discernment of, and engagement with, what God is calling them to be.  Some of this plan is already a reality in some parishes; some is aspiration.  Our aim is to provide help with both, and to undertake new supporting initiatives across the Deanery.  A more detailed plan is the document Supporting the Deanery Mission Plan, which has been sent to all PCCs.  The Deanery Mission Plan Update gives details of progress with the Plan a year after it was presented to Synod. 

Praying with a Bible


We will help people to discern what God is calling them to do by:


  • Committing to pray for and worship with each other


  • Recognising and developing potential leaders in our church communities, both personally and through available courses


  • Exploring and supporting lay ministry


  • Supporting those who are being called to ordained ministry.


We will seek every opportunity to
live and tell the story of Jesus by:



  • Reaching out to young families through services, events and Messy church


  • Being welcoming to all


  • Finding new ways to share our faith


  • Using our buildings as a resource to illuminate our faith

Church chancel with stained glass window
Church in rural town


We will support discipleship by:


  • Reaching out to young families through services, events and Messy Church


  • Working with schools


  • Supporting families through preparation and follow-up of baptisms, weddings (including attending Wedding Fairs) and funerals


  • Enabling and supporting prayer, study and discussion groups


  • Preaching and teaching the word of God in a clear and explicit way

Texting on mobile phones


We will serve our communities by:    

  • Valuing people in their professional lives and helping them serve God in the workplace


  • Seeking out opportunities to be of service to the needy and the vulnerable in the wider community


  • Increasing the use of church buildings by and for the wider community


  • Promoting and nurturing our existing links with Zambia

Bibl study group


We will engage with each other and with the local and wider communities by:


  • Recognising and strengthening links between the benefices of the Deanery


  • Learning from and sharing good practice with other churches


  • Using parish magazines and other community publications effectively


  • Using online media well: up-to-date websites (including entries on and active Facebook pages

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.  Let your gentleness be known to everyone.  The Lord is near.  Do not worry about any thing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Philippians 4: 4-7

Download the Deanery Mission Plan

Click on the icon to the right to download a printable leaflet containing the Deanery Mission Plan.  Copies of this leaflet have been distributed to all the churches in the Deanery.

Supporting the Deanery Mission Plan 

Click on the icon to the right to download the supplementary document Supporting the Deanery Mission Plan.  This document gives details of how the Mission Plan will be supported at Deanery level.  Copies of this document have been sent to every Parochial Church Council (PCC) in the Deanery.

Deanery Mission Plan Update - July 2018 

Click on the icon to the right to download an update on progress made during the first year of the Deanery Mission.  This update was presented to the July 2018 Deanery Synod.  

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